Saturday, October 23, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa's Pumpkin Patch

Last night we went to Cameron's grandparents house to get some pumpkins. By the time we got there it was pitch black but we still had lots of fun!

Look at all those beautiful pumpkins!! They had tons of huge ones! Evelyn told us the whole way there that she wanted a "baby one" and this green one was the first one she saw haha she quickly decided it wasn't ready to be picked yet though.

But then we found a PERFECT one for her! She was SO excited!!! And check out those nice big ones we got too!

The neighbors have cows and they were totally drawn to the spotlight we had. Evelyn wanted to go over the fence and touch them but Cameron told her they would eat her, after which she quickly jumped up in his arms. Yeah, not sure I want her thinking cow will eat her, but it kept her on the right side of the fence!


Amy said...

ha ha ha. Josh wants to tell someone about cows eating them. lol.

Havalah Turner | Sisters, What! said...

Brigg and I couldn't stop laughing at the cow eating...

Jamie said...

lol, yeah, Evelyn has been telling everyone about going to grandma and grandpa's and seeing the cows and she ALWAYS says that they will eat her...I hope this doesn't mess her up later in life by having an unrealistic fear of them.