Monday, August 20, 2012

Kayaking - sort of

Cameron loves the water. Me, not so much, especially anything that's not a pool, it just totally creeps me out and I don't like how cold it is. But one day it was REALLY hot so we decided to go down to Leslie Groves Park and take Cameron's kayak. Evelyn LOVED going around with Cameron in it and would have tried to do it on her own if we would have let her...maybe in like 20 years ;)

Cassidy on the other hand seems to take after me when it comes to water and wanted nothing to do with it. When she saw Evelyn in it with Cameron she totally wanted to do it, but as soon as she was actually in the kayak she wanted out! But us being the wonderful parents we are, we made her sit in it for 5 minutes while she screamed her head off. And as you can see, the water she was in was like a foot deep.

 She LOVED sitting in the kayak when it wasn't in the water.

Evelyn was in heaven when Cameron let her sit in it by herself and hold the paddle while he held on to a rope and let her float around and then would rope her back in.

Cameron said I needed to include this picture because Cassidy looks so cute :)

In case anyone is wondering, I have never been in the kayak. I'm with Cassidy on this one and would rather stay on dry land.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Lucky for Evie & Cam they don't have to share!