Monday, March 5, 2012

Sewing...for a BOY!

No, this is not an announcement ;) A friend of mine had a baby shower last weekend and she is having a boy so I got to make some stuff for her. One of my goals this year is to use up as much of the fabric that I already have and try to buy as little as possible. I havn't done a lot of sewing for boys so I didn't have much fabric, but I did have a good amount of boy flannel fabric so I cut it up and made my first rag quilt. I have made a few quilts in the past and I love it, but rag quilts, not my thing, all that snipping got SO tedious! But I still love it and am so happy with how it turned out. Below are pictures of the front and back. I had to get creative with the back, and didn't have a square left over after finishing it! The finished size was about 30x42

I had a few pieces of cotton in boy prints and I had seen this tie pattern and was dying to make it. They were absolutly the easiest thing I have ever made, and SO adorable!! I hope I have a little boy someday so I can make him some :) I don't have a little boy to try them on so I put them on a bear, Evelyn saw me taking the pictures and wanted to take some, she took the picture of me and the bear and I thought it was a good one to show the size.

I made this little tag ball forever ago and it has been sitting in a box waiting to be given away, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. After my friend opened the gift her little girl (about 22 months) quickly took the ball and played with it the rest of the shower, I'm glad it got some use :)


Hannah said...

I totally thought this was an announcement and I was thinking that you looked dang good for being that far along. LOL. Iv'e sewn a few rag quilts, they are a lot of work; but I love them! I'm planning to make a HUGE one for a twin bed, but I haven't gotten to energy to sew it yet, all the squares are cut, so that's one step down. :)

Corey & Amber said...

You always make the cutest things!!! Love the ties think I might try and make thoughs for my crazys. And your girls are so cute and getting so big!!