Today Evelyn and I celebrated our
60 degree weather with a trip to the park. She had SOO much fun! She was non-stop moving from one thing to another, running here and running there and telling me what everything was. She's a good talker but when she gets excited she doesn't stop. I couldn't help but smile the whole time because her joy and happiness was contagious. I hope the nice weather keeps up so we can continue these trips daily.
isnt this age awesome! i love when they are talking and doing things on their own, but they still need their mommy :) and he is so active.. im waiting for the rain to stop the park sounds wonderful! :)cute pictures!!
Hey Jamie,
Okay so I hope that you know who this is, I was over at Ashleys with you the other day, (Tami). Anyway, I found your blog through Julies, its way cute. Hey I also asked my husband if he knew Cameron and apparantly they already know eachother so I thought it would be fun for the four of us to get together sometime. Anyway let me know if you guys are up for that.
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