Wednesday, May 27, 2009

leminad .10$

On Saturday my sister-in-law Tara had a yard sale and we went to hang out with her. Our nephew Jakob set up a lemonade stand and made bank! He sold the tiniest cups of lemonade I have ever seen was selling them for 10 cents a cup for about an hour and he made at least $6 (we left before he closed up shop). He sat there and sang songs and as people drove by to check out what was at the yard sale they drive off and then immedietly either reverse or back up and get some lemonade. It was hilarious to watch him. Our favorite quote of the day went something like this:
Lady buying lemonade: How much is it? 10 Cents?
Jakob: Or 10 dollars either way.
She gave him a doallar :)

Cameron's mom took the other kids to the park around the corner and Cameron helped her carry them home :)
After Tara's we went to the park with some of Cameron's friends that live in Seattle but were in town for the weekend. We had a nice picnic and the kids (they have a 2 year old) enjoyed playing in the park. I had a great time talking with Aimee and Cameron enjoyed hanging out with Sean. Evelyn loved being outside all day and all the time playing with other kids. It was a great day :)


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I had fun hanging out with you! We will have to get together again next time we come to the tri-cities. Your little girl is adorable... This is Aimee by the way:)

Megan Potter said...

that is so funny about the "leminad" :) I can't wait for my kids to sell lemonaid. Once in rexburg during winter of course i was driving home from school and this kid was out in front of his yard selling hot chocolate sitting in the cold, I had to stop plus hot chocolate really sounded great. i stopped on the road and backed up and parked, i don't remember how much he charged, but probably .25 cents. it burnt my mouth, but oh well. how can you resist a kid sitting in the cold selling hot chocolate. :)
It looks like you guys are having a super fun summer! maybe we'll come and visit again before we move to Utah.
-megan potter