Wednesday, January 21, 2009

OAR Concert!!!

Mine and Cameron's 3rd anniversary was on Dec. 29 but Evelyn was getting over her ear infections and Cameron and I were fighting colds and I had to work that night too so we didn't do anything to celebrate that night. We had bought tickets to go to an O.A.R. concert, mine and Cameron's favorite band, and that was our anniversary present to each other. The concert was in Spokane and we went with our friends Johnny and Julie, who also like them. The concert was AMAZING!!

Eric Hutchinson opened for O.A.R. I like his music and he was pretty funny.

Like I said before, O.A.R. was AMAZING! I love love love their music and they are awesome live. The only thing that would have made the concert better was if there weren't any obnoxious teenagers in front of us.

This is the lead singer, Marc Roberge

This is part of the band, there were two other guys on the left side of the stage but I couldn't get a picture of them. This picture shows how close we were to the stage.

This guy is amazing at the saxaphone!

Happy Anniversary to us!!!!


Laura McGee said...

lucky ducks!! :) that looks like so much fun!! 3 years already wow!

Amy said...

Yay for OAR! I'm glad you got to go, looks like it was fun.

PS have I mentioned that you two have the same beautiful blue eyes? you do.

Julie said...

You got way better pics than me. I am going to have to have you send them to me sometime and then we can scrapbook them together! :)