Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Good Day!

I know we have all had "one of those days". The type where everything seems to go wrong. Well yesterday I had a "one of those days" where everything seemed to work out just perfect. It was a great day.

Usually I don't have a whole lot to do at work, but yesterday I was buys all day long! For those of you who have spent an entire 8 hour day not doing anything, you will understand how exciting it is to actually have stuff to keep you busy. Since I had stuff to do and I got it all done I felt very productive. I like being productive. So it was just a great day at work.

When I went home my wonderful visiting teachers came over and we had a wonderful talk about the lesson we had in sunday school last Sunday about the blind man and the pharisees, and about the Spirit, and about finding your soul mate. It was really cool.

Then my amazing friend Amy called and said "Mat Kearny is coming to town! You can win tickets to see him at the radio station with like 20 other people, listen to 101.9 and win tickets." For those of you that don't know, I LOVE Mat Kearny!! (I have some of his music on my playlist below) He is AMAZING, if you haven't heard his stuff, you should listen to it, you will fall in love with it. So immediatly I turn on the radio and not 5 minutes later they announce that they are going to give away 8 tickets to see Mat Kearny in their studio. So right away Cameron and I both call the number and it's busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, RING!! I freaked out!! My phone started ringing!! Haha, so I threw the phone at Cameron because I didn't know what to do, lol. We totally won tickets!!! I get to meet Mat Kearny tomorrow!! I'm SO excited!! Now I just need to keep listening and call in again and win tickets for Amy.

I also had to make 6 dozen cookies for work today. They weren't easy either. It took me and Cameron 3 1/2 hours to make them. But it was so worth it, they are the best cookies ever. If you want to try them here is a link to the recipe: They seriously take forever to make, but are SOOOOO worth it.

Also, for the last few nights Cameron and I have been going to bed at 9:30 and I have to get up by 6:20 and I haven't been tired! It's amazing! I am NOT a morning person and the fact that I am not tired in the morning and can just get right out of bed is a miracle. I usually go to bed by 10 but I was still always SO tired. It's amazing what a difference 1/2 an hour can make.

So there you go, that's why yesterday was such a wonderful and great day. So far today is on track to be a great one too. :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm so happy that it was a good day! I LOVE it when that happens!!! I wanna try these cookies, maybe you'll have some leftover? :) 3 1/2 hours is a LOOONG time. Yikes, that's what I have to say about that.

I LOVE that you love your visiting teacher. yay for you! I now have a testimony of visiting teaching. That's all I have to say about that. Have I told you yet how much I love that picture (your blog profile) of you? You are seriously beautiful. Have another great day!